dream monsters

Welcome to the official site of the Dream Monsters webcomic.

Dream monsters are energy beings that run the human mind, making a person conscious of their everyday actions and emotions.This webcomic focuses on a man’s conscience, Beeza Bud, who relapses on marijuana and is now dealing with a new unexpected dream monster in the mind.

This comic project has been retired since 2022, but will remain up for archival purposes.
Thank you for everyone's support on this project!

A fair warning: This comic is in a rough draft state! Pages 1-63 are less organized, and have only been revised for dialogue.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

You've reached the end.

Thank you for reading!

Catch me on Twitch and see me work on the comic live!

Catch me on Instagram to see more works!

© Scotticity. All rights reserved.

Happy Halloween!
The idea of lunacy is known as a myth where people become looney or ill on a full moon. So, as the concept, if a full moon happens, the conscience would go out of control of their actions, and would physically turn more beastly, becoming a lunatic. A lunatic conscience is like a werewolf, but it only happens strictly to the conscience inside the mind, and not anyone else inhibiting the mind, or the person themselves.

Concept art